Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Best cook book ever!

So I have been slowly cooking my through my new cook book Our Best Bites (Thank you Mindy!). I am going to add the ones I have tried and let you know my thoughts on them.  If you use this book too, please leave comments on the ones you have tried also. Mom and Aunt Lynda just bought this book yesterday so Aunt Lynda can make the black beans and cilantro lime rice for dinner everyday! I bet she uses this book more than my mom does!

I will update what I have made later this week. I'm running out of time today to get that done.


Sugar Scrubs

So easy even my mom can make them...he he.

Take any amount of the following and mix them together in various combos.
White sugar
Brown sugar
Table salt
Epsom salt
Kosher salt

Add enough of any kitchen oil to make it as dry or as runny as you like it. Then add essential oils (if you want the smell to last a longtime) or baking extracts (if you are going to be using these that week because the smell won't last longer than a week or two). Start mixing as see what you come up with! You can use this to add extra attention to your hands or keep some in the shower to pamper your whole body. Try to use a plastic container if keeping it in the shower.

Here are a few of the combos I have come up with-
Thin mint cookies- coco powder + peppermint
Dreamcicle-orange + vanilla
almond + vanilla
Pina Colada- coconut + rum + coconut flakes
Tropical salad- orange + Vanilla + coconut
Lavender + eucalyptis
Rootbeer Float - vanilla + rootbeer extracts

Get creative!

Lotion bars

Mom and Aunt Lynda came to visit and we made lotion bars.  I don't know about them, but I love mine!! I have one next to my bed and I have been rubbing it on my feet before I go to sleep.  I have another one in my bathroom and it is such a treat after rinsing out dirty diapers! Here is how we made them:

coconut oil
bees wax
any liquid oil
essential oils

Take equal parts (or best guess) of coconut oil and bees wax and put them into a small sauce pan.  Put the stove on low and melt them together.  I added a splash of what ever oil I had in my kitchen (I think it was veggie or safflower oil).  Once they are all melted put in a few drops essential oil. Pour the liquid into any type of mold.  I used my cupcake pan. Let them harden and enjoy! We made lavender bars and they are a great little treat!

You can also order chapstick tubes and pour the liquid into the containers to make chapstick.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

So I want to keep Gavin busy this summer with wholesome activities and not just the tv and video games. I am having him make something one week and donate it the next week.  Ideally the projects will take 2 days (hopefully teaching him patience, work and goal setting) Here are a few that I have thought of:
bird feeder
loom and hook tic tac toe boards
make and frost cookies or cupcakes (we won't wait till the following week to donate these)
tie quilt
sew pillow cases
sew bean bags
make a bean bag toss board
build a simple dog house
make clay models
mow or weed someone's yard
make sidewalk chalk

If you think of anything else that we can do to stay  busy, please add to the list.

He is also caring for a garden, teaching music to younger kids, having a picnic several times a week, having friends over, water days in the backyard, going bowling for free (kidsbowlfree.com) and volunteering at a retirement home. We have a busy and fun summer planned, but would love more ideas!

Best Bulk Pancake Mix

I ran out of krusteaz and really wanted pancakes, so I made some from scratch. I loved it so much more than the mixes from the store that I converted it into a bulk mix! We add bananas, chopped nuts, different spices and extracts other than vanilla sometimes. They are so good. This morning I added 1/4 a mashed banana, orange and coconut extract and we had tropical pancakes...yummm.

12c flour
1/2c baking powder
2T +2t salt
1/2c sugar
1 3/4c powder milk
8T flax

Mix all together!
To make the pancakes mix:
1 1/2c water
2c mix
2T oil
1t vanilla

You can get ground flax in bulk at Costco for $7-8. I use it when I cook as an egg replacement when I have forgotten to buy eggs. I also throw it into homemade bread, smoothies or my hamburger meat mix (more on that one later). Let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, March 23, 2012


I am always loosing the pieces of paper that I write down fun ideas or great home tips on. I'm hoping this will not get lost as easy! I also want everyone in the family to add to this. I'm wanting this to be a place where all the cousins can share great tips with each other. If you only want to read the tips that others put on here, that is great too. Let me know if you want to have admin rights so you can add to the blog or you can email me what you want added and I can post it. Anything can be added to this as long as it isn't negative. I hope everyone has fun putting this together and sharing ideas. Enjoy!!
